10 key principles securing the future for arts centres

The 10 key principles securing the future for arts centres.


Here are ten key principles how building-design can help to secure the future of arts centres particularly when considering making alterations and adapting for change.




Here are the Thomas Studio 10 key principles…


1 Arts centres should enable the provision of outstanding artistic experiences


2 Arts centres should maximise social impact and community cohesion through the breadth of their activities and depth of engagement


3 Arts centres should enable operation as ‘businesses’ making significant contributions to the local, regional and national economy


4 Arts centres should drive economic growth by providing space for incubators for individual artists and entrepreneurs and enable access for cultural SME’s, to support them with flexible and adaptable spaces to enable their own enterprises


5 Arts centres should contribute to regeneration and growth through the presence they hold within their local economic area and provide cultural place-making as a destination of choice


6 Arts centres should provide ‘safe houses’ for the development of artists and companies, encouraging and supporting artistic experimentation and development


7 Arts centres should allow the driving of innovation within the industry, with business models and facilities that enable artistic risk-taking


8 Arts centres should provide safe and stimulating environments for the creative development of children and young people


9 Arts centres should enable space and opportunities to extend the quality of life and artistic contributions made by an increasingly ageing population


10 Arts centres should embrace the tech-aware generations and integrate technology and communication in exciting and innovative ways that drive innovation and artistic creativity



For further reading: Dartington Hall, in Devon, is an interesting example of how an arts centre venue reinvented itself, in part due to losing Arts Council Funding, causing it to look to an alternative programme and delivery. One of their programmes is with an open prison working with arts medium on education. Find out more here…




More locally, if you want to find out what’s on in the arts scene in Herefordshire here are two greate venues. Click on the links below.



The Hereford Courtyard



Canwood Gallery